Know Your Truth: Developing Strength In Business.

strength in business

strength in business

I’m a pretty obsessive guy.  This characteristic didn’t bode too well with girls in my high school, but it seems to be working well for me in business.  So when tasked with a project, I make sure to see it through to the end, no matter what.  I’m a pitbull of web development and project management.

I think this obsessiveness of mine started when I was growing up and having a need to be liked by everyone.  That, coupled with the fact that my parents or teachers never believed anything I told them.  I digress.

Knowing who you are, your strengths and weaknesses are key to running a successful business (and having a happy life).  For example, nothing is worse than being pushed around by a pushy client.  We have all had experiences with clients who suck everything out of you.  No matter how many times you follow up with them, or keep them informed they are never happy.  Nothing you do seems to be good enough and you soon find yourself going way over board in making sure that they know that you are doing everything possible to resolve any issues (or challenges) you might be facing.

It’s that feeling that they don’t believe you are doing everything you can to make it work (enter mommy and daddy issues).  So believing in who and what you do will prevent you from being pushed around in both life and business.  We also know, that clients who never seem happy, are generally never happy, period.  So don’t be dictated by clients who are malcontents. It’s a losing battle.  Actually, don’t be pushed around by clients at all.  I know, I know, rent is due.

If you’ve been in business for 10+ years, chances are you’ve worked with an array of characters.  From programmers, to designers to developers to social media marketers to other project managers, you’ve had your fill of over sellers and under deliverers, your ups and downs.  That said, you know your market.  You know what service others provide.  You’ve experienced not having your emails or calls returned for 3 days…you’ve been over quoted. You’re developing your strength with all this experience.  You know who you are.  You know your quality of service and you know what you can deliver.  And what did we learn from Saturday morning cartoons?  Knowing is half the battle.  Honest.  Now please be my friend on FB.